Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pig Tails, Tantrums, and Alien Invasion....Prepare Yourself For Battle.....

So, I am just gonna start this post like we were recently interrupted, during a completely peaceful and relaxing cup of coffee between two friends............

As you know I am a stay at home mom of three "practically perfect" children, whom I home school. I have a pretty structured learning schedule, so we don't get out of the house as much as you might think.. Things tend to get a little "stuffy" from time to time, so you can imagine my delight recently when I was able to "escape" while "wonderful hubby" and 3 children were sedated with Benedryl and Tylenol......

I decided a trip to my 4th favorite place (Church, Texas, Disneyland, and Target, in that order) Target, after a quick stop for a Quad-Shot Iced White Chocolate Mocha, was just what the Dr ordered..

As an avid reader, I quickly found myself in the book section of my favorite retailer, enjoying my peace and quiet, when out of no where~ an alien with springy pig tails, freckles, and light up Dora tennis shoes erupted my bubble ! was a KID..!!!! And worse than that, she had brought her well trained parent with her....

I thought I had heard "Little Miss Bossy Britches" a few isles back, but I just dismissed it as a bad trick my mind was playing on me, but NO..there she was in all her glory....smiling at me. I smiled back, and complimented her shoes, "Hello, I said". "I like your Dora shoes, they are very cute". (because my mom always taught me to be kind to others at all cost)......."I KNOW" she replied.....


My attention turned to the mom, mostly as a distraction, and so I could refrain from sticking my tongue out at the kid !
My heart instantly softened, the moment I laid eyes on this poor unsuspecting mom, I knew it.... She had come to the same place as an escape, for some peace and relaxation... I felt for this mom right away.  This alien had sucked the very life out of her......

You know the mom that I mean, same pair of denim Capris, colored T-shirt with a vague kool-aid stain, broken down flip flops, hair a mess, barely brushed teeth....the kind of mom who's kids look great, and have the best, but her life is chaos, her priorities are out of whack, so there is no time to be the best she can be..? 
I prayed in my mind, "God, show her a better way to be a mom, show her she is important, give her strength to be her best everyday. God show her you love her..."

I meandered to the next couple of isles...when I heard the mom say, come on, I need to get a few more things. Instantly, the little girl resisted. "NO! I want to look at books". Mom replies, "Don't yell, maybe after nap time , we will go to the library, you can look at books there". The mom walk a little ways ahead, I suppose expecting the little one to follow, only she didn't.....not yet !! The mom, again said, "come on, I am leaving, lets go". In my heart of hearts I wanted the little girl to be obedient and follow, but I knew who was in charge here, and so did the ALIEN...!
All of a sudden, with a loud, piercing, through the teeth voice...taking one step with every syllable....." I SAID, I WANTED A BOOK...BRING THAT CART BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!".......
In my mind I prayed for that mom. "God give her the strength to correct the situation she created. Give her the wisdom and guidance to parent the way you intended...."

I waited patiently, to hear the response.....and I was devastated when it was delivered......
In a deep, growling, through the teeth voice, one step for every syllable, the mother turned the cart around and stomped back to the little girl and said "I don' like your tone of voice. When I say, lets go, lets go!" She picked up the little girl, put her in the cart, wheeled directly to the books and said, "you may pick out one book".......
WHAT!!!!!!....wait.....I wanted so badly to the mom and say "you can win....don't give in, you will be fighting this battle for the rest of her life"...

Why, why why ? Why do so many good parents do this? Why do we take the very life God created and entrusted to us, and mess it all up? We take this completely new wonderful white canvas, and allow our lack of patience, will, structure, and effort to paint it, instead of drawing lines, and filling them in with the wonderful colors that God has given us. Colors of respect, love, discipline, boundaries.... 

I know it is hard to be consistent. Sometimes as moms and wives, we get tired, worn down, and frankly, we don't always have the energy to say one more time "No"...We have all been there. Can I tell you friend, it gets easier? The more consistency you apply to your child s life, the easier it gets. Kids need structure and boundaries. If you listen closely, they are practically begging for it...

Where should I start, you ask?
Start by taking care of yourself..get up before your kids.
"She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens".
Proverbs 31:15
Have time to yourself. Prepare yourself for your day, in some cases...Prepare your self for But seriously, be up early, shower, dress for your day. I am not saying you have to look like Mrs. America, but wear something that is ironed and stain free..take pride in yourself. Fix your hair, even if it is just a pony tail, or a little twist in the back. Eat a good, healthy breakfast.

Secondly, start your day with God. Spend some time in prayer and reading your bible. I haven't always done this, because like other moms and wives, I didn't have my priorities straight. I rolled out of bed late, rushed my kids through morning preparations and rushed them to school, so I could rush to work...
Relax, slow down, spend time with your maker....even if this means getting up an hour will change your life!

Finally, your ready to wake your aliens....oooppps, I mean children. Don't yell at them from the door way....go into their room. Wake them with a pleasant, respectful voice, you know, the kind you want them to use with you....BTW....if your kids are 7yrs or older, get them an alarm clock...YES MOMMY, they are old enough to wake themselves.....IT'S is not mean!
Teach your kids to prepare for their day just like you prepared for yours, cause, heres something you don't want to hear...BUT....if your kids go to school outside of their home.....they are preparing for battle...war, spiritual you want the last voice they heard to be you yelling how late they are, or God's voice?

It's just a start....but you have to start some where...Trust me, your kids will thank you for it..maybe not now, but one day, your kids will look back and they will think, wow, I have a great mom. She really loved me, and cared for me. She cared enough for me to disapline me and teach me about God.
"Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her". 
Proverbs 31:28
If you find yourself here today, don't fret friend, God will be with you. He has given you all the tools you need...Until you figure them all out, there is always Target and Quad-Shot Iced White Chocolate Mochas.....

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