I suspect the typical day in the life of any woman during the Christmas Season is somewhat the same.....grocery lists, 42 iced cupcakes for the class party, selecting 3 of the "just right" Teacher gifts that will guarantee to propel little Johnny to the "Pet Position", cleaning out of the guest room that has served as a storage all year and must now be transformed into a 5 star resort suite for the In-Laws, errands on slick, icy roads, children's Christmas List, out of stock toys, endless check out lines, cheesy wrapping paper (why didn't you just get the good stuff?) and the list goes on and on...........
It was just such a day( minus the Teachers gift, I just buy myself a pair of shoes, and ALL 3 of my students are in the "Pet Position"....lol.....I home school), I was standing in line and the thought occurred to me "What are you doing for your world"?..... WHAT????? I realized, how caught up I can become in the holiday, and completely forget the reason for the holiday.. So, I decided to give this some thought, I began to look around at the others in lines around me... I didn't see all the happy, jolly, cheerfulness that is so casually thrown around as an official catch phase of the holiday... I saw tired, worn down women.....Why???
You know, we women, for some reason, feel that we have to take on the world and make it this sparkling, wondrous, wintry wonderland of never ending cookie eating, gift giving, belly laughing explosion of Christmas Enchantment..... North Pole News Flash ladies....we don't......
Last time I checked I was not a 4'11" 90lbs vixen dressed in a velvet dress and white patten leather boots, with glittered cheeks and curled tendrils springing out of a fur adorned hat........And neither were these other women.... We are women, making the best for our families, but our focus has become slightly blurred in the excitement of the holiday hustle and bustle.... Maybe you are asking "What should my focus be?
Do your kids now the meaning of Christmas? Do they know that receiving a gift is about, the receiving, not as much about what it is?, Do they know that all good things come from the Lord?
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Matt 7:11
We get so caught up in what to buy, how many gifts, how much is enough, if it is too little.. this is not what it is all about ladies.....we have just bought into the commercialism, and it is hard to get out of "the trap".....Want some tips of how to get out? Okay, this is what works in my family...
First, If you kids are just little... under 5, they could care less of the dollar amount of gifts....Its us who get gratification in buying a pricey gift for our kids.... don't buy them gifts that are terribly expensive, instead look for gifts that are going to last, and that will keep them entertained and using their imagination for a long time.
Our kids are older now, so the gifts are fewer, but cost more... gone are the days of fad toy sets, now its technology, and clothes..... Don't get me wrong, we have never bought junk, but a few modestly priced gifts that are chosen with that kid in mind is the idea....I usually try to buy something, just one small something that is really personal to each child, that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt, "my parents really gave this from their heart".
Also, What about your children giving? Do you require your kids to give? Or do they just sit back like Christmas Gremlins and take gifts? You know how, really smart people say that we should set our kids up to succeed? What if we purposely set work projects in front of our kids so that they can make shopping money? Now this will be a little work, because your child could still choose to do the work, earn the money, and keep it!..... hahaha...... plan back-fire...lol. You have to set them up for their purpose of giving...IE: "Hey, I have some chores that I am willing to pay someone Christmas Shopping Money for doing.." Make it clear the purpose for the money, and then do some talking about giving to others...
What about all that holiday baking? What if the kids help? Oh wait!.... do your cookies have to be perfect and you have to do it all yourself to insure that? Think of the memories you will be making for your kids by letting them into your sacred baking arena... My mom used to let us help, and yes, we had some whack looking cookies, but the time spent with Mom was priceless, and never forgotten.
Speaking of forgotten, what about those in our community that are forgotten? What about the children who are forgotten? It is a guaranteed that you know someone who's name comes to mind as we speak who can barely buy groceries for their kids let alone a present... you might be thinking, yeah but they can get a job and take care of their family better..yes, but that is not your responsibility to judge, what is your responsibility is looking after the needs of the poor...
She extends her hand to the poor, Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy. Prov 31:20
What if you take it on yourself to seek out someone at church, on your job, in your neighborhood, or your child's school, that you and your family can shop for? Explain to your kids, "God has blessed us so much, that we shouldn't keep it all for ourselves". Teach your children to give to others in need with a humble spirit, not in a boastful or bragging manner. I don't always have a lot to give, but when I see someone in need, I do try to help. And you don't have to wait until Christmas to share the love of Christ.
You know, I am not saying, don't go all crazy decorating your house and baking and all, but try to balance it out by spending some quality time with your family (not while standing in a check out line, or in traffic), Instead of spending so much on nonsensical gifts, spend it on some coffee and a nice dinner cake and invite friends over for games. Spend $50 bucks on some donuts and a carton of Starbucks, takes some friends to an area where you know you'll see some homeless people, treat them to what you have all year long, and share God's love with them... Look Ladies, Christmas is not about us.....It's about God's gift, and we don't have a right to keep it to ourselves.....
Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. 18 And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them. Luke 2:17-20
I hope this Christmas Season brings you all that you hope for, and that God richly blesses your home and family....and above all I hope that we can reach out to those around us who wonder what the greatest gift of all is........ The gift of Christs love......
Merry Christmas
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