Thursday, May 8, 2014

Far Above Rubies

Hello Ladies~ It has been a while... Spring is upon us, and I thought "What could be better than putting some "spring" back into our lives and marriages?"
Big Task? I know.. Well Gods word gives us all we need to manage every little detail of our marriages to perfection...

So, my thought is a Proverbs 31 Mini-Series of Blogs. Researchers say that it takes 10 days of activity or non-activity to make or break a habit... so keeping that in mind, how many days would it take us ladies to become the Proverbs 31 Wife? Is it even possible? 
I have often thought about this.. I have always thought it was possible to be parts of this passage at different times, but not possible to be all parts at all times.
Well, I don't know about you, but I love a good challenge, and I hope you do too... What do you say? Are you with me?

So in this series, I will take a selection from Proverbs chapter 31 and write about it. It will sometimes be out of numerical order, and grouped together in one thought, I will give you the character or attribute of the scripture, and 10 items for you to achieve per 10 day section..   

Are you ready?

I would first like to talk with you about a virtuous woman. What is a virtuous woman, why be one, and who can catch one?

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Prov 31:10

What is a virtuous woman? She is someone who is moral, chaste, of high example, integral. She is rare, uncommon, valuable and desirable. You know, she is that women, who is in relationship with God, she strives to please Him, she is honest in all her ways, pure in all her love and compassion, she is a servant, and she serves with excellence to bring honor to her King.

Have you ever thought, I mean really thought about this scripture? She's rare, valuable, one in a million, so to speak, what kind of man could catch her? What kind of man could capture her heart and be blessed to marry her?

 Scripture says:

He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
And obtains favor from the Lord. Prov 18:21
Lets just make the assumption a wife, that is a "good thing" is a virtuous woman..

I am going to leave this thought of "what kind of man" for a while, but I want you to think about what kind of man deserves you, a virtuous woman! Don't settle ladies!

The charter or attribute of this scripture is: Rare

You are probably thinking.." How can I be rare?
Take a look at the world around you. What do you see? I am sure you see some good women, but how many of them do you see that are virtuous, rare?

In our world these days, women are different from say, our moms. No longer is the focus the same. The priorities have shifted,or necessity dictates it, resulting in less than committed marriages, children that struggle with stability, stress, loneliness, and depression. I know it sounds old fashioned, but our place is in the home..
Now, wait... I mean that figuratively.. regardless of whether or not you have a career or work outside of the home, your place in the home can not be duplicated. Whether you need to work or want to work, your priority is still being wife and mom.
I know, it is a lot of work, maybe you feel it is unfair, but "suck it up sister, that's the way it is"... lol... We women, are important, we are needed to keep the household
So lets talk about "rare". Rarely these days, do you see a solid family, that is happy, well adjusted, and successful. One who, shares faith, loves each other, plays together, communicates with each other, and cherishes life. More likely, your average observation of a family would be something like this: a Family Dinner Out, Mom sets in silence,  Dad can't disconnect from work, daughter with iPod in her ears, rolling her eyes at everything that is said, son, not speaking to anyone,clothed in black, pushing his food around on his plate. No communication, No love, No laughter, No respect. That is normal!

We as virtuous women, rare women, have to set our homes differently. We have to be rare women, of a rare husband, and rare children.

What to do to be rare
  1. Strive for holiness.Dress in a way that sets you apart from the average. Dress to represent your God.
  2. Avoid carnality. Carry yourself in a way that virtuous.
  3. Be careful where you go. Avoid participating in activities that are "the norm", in the world.
  4. Be God honoring
  5. Always honor your husband, whether he is with you or not.
  6. Speak highly of your family.
  7. Be the "soft spot" for your husband and children
  8. Do Not be a gossip! nuff said!
  9. Serve in anyway you can, with a joyful spirit
  10. Be an example. There is always someone watching you.
I hope over the next 10 days, you can achieve the qualities of a Rare Woman. If God has designed us to be, and has given us the tools necessary, IT IS POSSIBLE

God Bless you