Monday, September 3, 2012

Clicheic I know, BUT Save The Drama For Your Momma!

How casual the devil tried to sneak in there huh? Just a friendly little conversation between old friends...

See that's how he does it... because lets be honest, if he came to you and said..."Hey, I am the devil, and I am here to destroy you and all you hold dear" how long would we entertain that? Not very long.. If a sister from the church comes to you and says, Hey... I wanted to take a few minutes of your time

 and gossip to you about so-n-so... how long would you entertain that? Again, probably not very long... But see, the devil is smarter than that... he knows how us women are, it has to smell good, and be all flowery, and sound so sweet and innocent....because I care... that sort of nonsense..
So it comes in the form of a kind, old friend, who in casual conversation, just gently says, well what I was told was......

The bible describes a gossiper as someone who refuses to acknowledge God...

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents.
Romans 1:28-30

Make no mistake.... whether it comes from a sister, a friend, a co-worker, or a complete stranger...A GOSSIPER HAS A DESTRUCTIVE SPIRIT, and that is NOT FROM GOD.
My Pastor talked to us last night at the end of service about, attitude,gossip, and negative talk and thinking... how damaging and destructive a lying and gossiping tongue is. He admonished us to commit to speaking positive and speaking life into our lives and the lives of others.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
 Ephesians 4:29

 It got me thinking.. It is no secret my Pastor doesn't love facebook, but he doesn't require us to abstain from it, just use caution and wisdom. I think what we forget sometimes is our facebook lifestyle is very public.. your church family can see it, God can see it. We can't  use facebook as a dumping ground for drama, bitterness, gossip, and attention seeking, and then expect to minister one to another as the bible directs us to do.

 How can we one minute, run down our leadership, or ramble on about how hideous our life is, and then be able to lift up or encourage our sister or brother? It is two conflicting lifestyles...
Here's a perfect example, imagine someone with OCD  counseling someone about relaxing, and not being so ridged and controlling... Same rule applies, how can I encourage someone who is feeling despair, and confusion if they just read my facebook rant about how miserable my life is, how isolated I am, and how I am offended by comments, and I'll just deal with it all alone.....? Yes, I am exaggerating, but do you see my point?
Just BTW... Don't post negative posts, and expect only positive people to reply... negative attracts negatives.....that's just the science of life...

We have the authority to speak life into others lives, and what a better outlet to do that than facebook? Maybe you don't think you have the power or spiritual authority to speak life? If you have the Holy Ghost and have been baptized in Jesus Name, it is your obligation.

 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:24-25
 I am not talking about giving a prophetic word to someone, that is something different, that is a gift from God will be confirmed through your Pastor.. what I mean is we need to be claiming victory in our lives, declaring liberty and freedom, recognizing spiritual bondage and demanding it go in Jesus Name... 

Sometimes we perceive ourselves to be so helpless, another words " well this is my life, and all I can do is make the best of it". That is not true, you can live like you have already won the victory! You have the ability to proclaim yourself VICTORIOUS!.... how? So easy.... out dance your drama, out worship your worries, overcome your confusion.......

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will[a] have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 

The things you are struggling with, God has already overcome for you!.... you don't have to wrestle with it, it is already conquered...YOU HAVE ALREADY WON!

Be Blessed,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Surviving The Wake.....

So I was at Disneyland yesterday, and as I was waiting for my kids and friends to come off of a ride, I found this shady place to wait. There was a mother duck and her 6 ducklings swimming back and forth across the water. It was very peaceful to watch.

All of the sudden a huge river boat separated two of the ducklings from their mother and siblings... you could hear the others that were standing by and on the boat gasp.. everyone was just waiting to see how things would turn out for these little ducklings...

The boat past and left a huge wake behind it... It reminded me of sin, and how we can just be floating along in the church, not a care in the world, and all the sudden, out of nowhere, sin comes into our lives leaving a huge wake behind that separates us from our church family... from God...

Well, to my relief, when the boat past, there were the little ducklings, safe, they had not be sucked under the boat and drowned. But now they had to get across that big wake, the waters were so choppy, and they were so tiny.. They were swimming for dear life...they were tossed every which way, but still... swimming...
You can't believe what happened next...above the boat motor, the crowd, the screaming of the ride behind me, you could hear the other four ducklings chirping... cheering on their siblings, as if they were saying, come on, you can do it, you are almost here, I know you are tired but just a little further...

Doesn't this speak to your spirit a little? I mean isn't this what we as the body of Christ, the church family are supposed to be? When one of our siblings get separated from us, we should not be watching while they struggle in the wake, speculating about what caused the separation, what sin has come into their life. We should be calling to them, saying "Hey, I know you are tire, but keep can make it, you are almost here, just a little further".

What I witnessed next was quite possibly one of the most moving events I have ever seen in nature.... when the two ducklings made it to their family all the other ducklings surrounded the two and chirped and huddled up... it just looked like one ball of feathers... they were welcoming their siblings home, loving them, telling them they were missed.

You know, I just think it is so amazing that God wants to talk to us so much, that he will come right where you are, no matter what, and show what he wants you to see... I just love that!

Be Blessed,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Over-comming my Past, Conquering my Present, Claiming my Future

I am so glad you could visit with me a bit... Nothing like coffee with a friend...
This may take a while, so lets just start with "Your Past"... we will move on to your present tomorrow.

Do you remember in high school, about our Sophomore year, teachers and counselors began talking about our goals? Goals for formal education, our careers, what choices would effect our future? It was such a scary thought, thinking that we had to make choices, how were we going to live in an adult world, and the choices we made at 15 were going to affect us for the rest of our lives...

Some of us made wise choices, others of us didn't. The thought of "I should have" would forever be posed in our minds.... from that day forward, we would look back and say "I should have...." Do you ever feel like that today?
Do you look back and say, "why didn't I".... Why did I do that? Why didn't I choose different? Why did that have to happen to me?

Here's the beauty of your past....although, it can not be changed, you can turn it around... you can start today, making better choices, looking at your past life, failure to thrive, lost love, tragedy... Yes, I am serious.. you can change YOU!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:4-6

See, God knew you before you were born. He knew who you were going to be, and who he designed you to be.... He knew his purpose for your life, he knew your triumphs and failures all at the same time. He knew where you would struggle. He knew when you would be hurting, He knew when life was going to drop you to the lowest pit of despair, and he was and is prepared to lift you up and carry you though the valley... This is your God...

Let's go back to high school for a minute...Maybe you made all the right choices, maybe you chose the right college, the right career path. Maybe you chose the right mate to marry...But you say, "I made all the right choices, and look at my life... look where I am , and what I have gone through, "Where is my God, Why am I alone, and Why am I still dealing with my Past?"

First let me tell you.... God is a gracious, loving God. The bible refers to Him as our Father.. Think about your earthly father... Father's direct their children in ways that they should go... they teach lessons, and sometimes they have to allow a little hurt, to shape and mold you into who you should be... Do you understand what I am saying? Its because he loves you....

 Let me give you an example...
You got a new bike for your birthday, but "wait, I don't know how to ride it"...right, so your daddy takes you out to learn.. He puts a helmet, and elbow and knee pads on you... he practically wraps you in bubble wrap right? Why does he do that? Because he knows without a shadow of a doubt, that you are gonna fall, and even though, you are all padded up, you are still gonna get scraped up.... He knows that you will get hurt, you will be afraid to get back on, and he knows you may carry a scar..... "hummmm"...... do you see what is happening here?

So, let me paint a picture for you..... There you are, you've pulled your braids out, so that you can feel the wind blow your hair back as you speed down the street on your bike, you know that you are gonna have tangles in your hair, that your mom is gonna have to use the whole bottle of No More Tears to get them out, you know for sure, you "are gonna get it" the whole time mom is patiently combing one section at a time.... but you don't care, because you are on your new shiny purple metallic bike, the Freestyle  with butterflies, and swirly decals, and a glittery banana seat... Nobody on the block has one. Your friends wave to you as you go buzzing past at the speed of light....You have thrown caution to the wind, enjoying life, and then it happens...... you glance down, and there it is....that ugly two centimeter, shiny scar.... yes, that gash healed, but it is a different color and texture than the rest of your skin, and just like that... it all comes rushing back..... you were just riding along, you were wobbly, lost your balance, and then,  you were falling, you couldn't do anything to stop it, the stinging pain bit into your knee, there was blood, and you didn't even know if you could walk....."Where is my Dad, why did he let go of me?"

Do you know the verse in the bible about be forsaken..?
I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:25 
God has not forsaken you, just like your earthly  father, did not abandon you, with the intent that you be hurt..there was a lesson that needed to be taught, in order to fulfill your purpose.

"So, What are you telling me, God wants me to hurt, and I should be fine with it, because he wants to teach me a lesson so that I can be what he wants?, that's WHACK!"........No..that is not what I am saying...

What I am saying is, from birth to death, God knows your life.... Whether, you have suffered from self-made choices, or events of life, that you didn't ask for, God has and had a purpose. We could set here all day, and belabor the reasoning, but rather than that... what if we move forward, what if we say, "I do not understand the purpose, but I have new strength, wisdom, and experience from this event in my life, and I want to use it to give God glory?" Wow, how healthy is that? What a positive way to move forward. What can you do with your Past? What if there is someone else who's Present, is parallel with your Past? "Well, I can not go there with other people, you don't understand my hurting, I will have to relieve it all over again"......I hear you, but what if your harboring your hurt, is keeping you locked up? Tell me this... If you are holding hurt and fear in your heart, where is God living? The bible says that light and dark don't mix, so tell me, is there any room for God?

When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness;
 Job 29:2-4

God is willing to walk you through your darkness,. Why not reach out to someone else, give your past hurt, mistakes, or tragedy purpose. Shine God's light into someone elses darkness. Just like all those pads your daddy put on you, to protect you, God has given you the tools you need to use your past to help others.Use them, use your past, otherwise, it is just hurt, unfulfilled purpose.....

"So, okay....Where do I start letting go of my past?" I am soooo glad you asked, let me tell you.... Start praying that God will reveal to you, his will... Tell God that you want to help others with the experience you have. Understand, that when you asked God to forgive you for all you sin, He did! You are no longer required to carry that around with you....God has cast your sin as far as the east is from the west, so why are you holding it? You may need to bind and loose somethings here... the bible says
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:17-19

You might need a few Holy Ghost breakthroughs

Once you have decided, "I am not suffering like this anymore, God suffered so that I don't have to, I am not living in fear, I am going to walk in faith (on a side note, can I just say, when you walk in faith, you cast a huge shadow, that shadow sets the devil running......just saying.....), I am not dwelling in sadness anymore,  I am going to allow the Joy of the Lord to flood my soul..." , Now begin asking God to put the right person in your path, that you can show your light...Ask God to make you sensitive to others around you.. Maybe there is someone who, doesn't share the same experience with you, but "Hey ! Pain is can still be a prayer partner, a listener....I want to caution you, DO NOT BE AN ENABLER.... listen, and help them move forward.....

I so want to encourage you today, reach out of yourself, reach beyond you, to someone hurting. You will be amazed at the release in your life. God is standing by, waiting for you to unlock the purpose of your past...When you can do this, YOU HAVE OVER COME YOUR PAST.

Be Blessed

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Lioness, Proud, Statuesque, Broken, and Hurting.......


Got your coffee ready? I want to talk to you about something really important and serious.....your pride and your soul....

I wonder if I can paint a picture for you, can you open your minds eye, and follow me to an alter..... There she stands, Sunday service, practically perfect suit, her hair just right, nicely manicured hands, perfectly posed and raised to heaven with a regal stature...She stands just enough to the front that she is in the alter, but not so far that anyone would thing that she "needed" prayer. She will gladly find someone else to pray with, or join in with the alter call song.... This is the lady that has everything in order, everything is always fine, nothing is ever wrong, and she doesn't need any extra prayer, but "thank you".

Meanwhile....... Her heart is crying out, connect... pray..... let it go..... call on me..... I am standing here..... I am waiting to give you the release you want...... just call on me.......I have joy that I want to pour into your life.... I have the healing virtue to pour into that wound....say my name..... I have a ministry for you..... I HAVE A PURPOSE FOR YOU!

Know anybody like this? Is this YOU?

Oh my goodness! How many times have we found ourselves here in this exact place, or maybe we have had a burden for someone like this.... It is a very frustrating place to be, on both accounts.... frustrating not to allow yourself to breakthrough, and frustrating, when you know the release God has for someones life and they won't be real....

Why do we as women allow ourselves to get this way??? Let me tell you what I have found to be true in myself at times before... and if we are just being honest, you will also recognize that you at some point have been the same....


Let's go back to that sister in the alter....... All the while God is calling her, she is answering back, but not the way she should..... Instead, she is listening to the devil and agreeing, "no, I can't just break down right here, I am a Ministers Wife, or a Sunday School Teacher, or Church Secretary, or Ladies Ministry Leader, or Choir Director, whatever the position....I am supposed to have it all together at all times.....IE; "I am fine, there is nothing wrong" Lets go to the word about praise at all times....

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
         Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
 9 Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints!
         There is no want to those who fear Him.
 10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
         But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing. Psalm 34:8-10

I posted this whole passage, but I really wanted you to notice verse 10. In the animal kingdom, the Lion is the strongest animal, top of the food chain, PRIDEFUL..... God's word says he will go without, will suffer, and hunger.... but those who hunger after God, will not lack, they will get what they need.....

So, that's not how you feel you say? Maybe you don't work in any of those ministries...... so what then could be the problem with our dear sister in the alter...?

Maybe she feels this way...... "I can't just run to the alter, and pour myself out to God, because people look up to me, and they will think something is wrong with me!" "Someone will thing I have backslid", "People will think my marriage is falling apart".... Hate to break it to you sister, but if you are having this argument in the alter, or maybe you are not even getting to the alter, there is something wrong with your thinking..... What's wrong with you is that you are not fulfilling your purpose, your design.......


I am so glad you asked......let me tell you:

I will bless the LORD at all times;
         His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
 2 My soul shall make its boast in the LORD;
         The humble shall hear of it and be glad. Psalms 34:1-2

 Let every created thing give praise to the Lord,
      for he issued his command, and they came into being. Psalm 148:5

Because He has inclined His ear to me,
         Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live. Psalm 116:2

Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  I Thess 5:16-18
This is your purpose.... To praise God with all you have, every service, everyday, continually..... This is what God wants from you... In this, you will get your release, you will get what you need.... and more than that you will get what God wants to give you..things you don't even know God has for you, this is the extra....

Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation!  Selah Psalms 68:19

As you can see, God's word is clear on your purpose of praise... It's because he has given you life, Praise is what you were created for...

So lets talk about our sister and her issue with pride. See there are more consequences to her prideful spirit than she is aware of.... What about the burdened sister? I mean, I know we love one another, and we have become a very perceptive society, and even our education, and life experience can help us be sensitive to others needs, but I mean, what about when God has burdened you for someone???

We spend time in prayer asking God to use us, and then when he burdens us, we either don't recognize it because we are not sensitive to the Spirit, or we are fearful and lack the faith to step out and intercede for our sister. Two things we have to do here... Pray for sensitivity, and a bold faith...
My Pastor's wife, has given me a good measure.. If you are in prayer and feel burdened for someone, or a word comes to you through prayer, and it is positive and encouraging... be bold and go for it.... I want to make it very clear, I do not believe that God will ever give us (lay sisters) a negative or hurtful word, or revelation about another sister. I believe this is a Pastors role always, and God shares these things with Pastors only. Please submit to your Pastor's authority in this matter.... but to be encouraging and loving... absolutely, in fact it is our duty as the family of Christ.

Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be] 9 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. I Peter 3:8-9

What of that proud sister standing there, you know.. the one who is so clearly hurting and broken.. or maybe the one who has just lost sight of her joy in all of the chaos that surrounds her daily....The one that "everything is fine"... If you are this lady, can I just very lovingly say to you, if your sister comes to you and says, " I have been praying for you, you have been on my mind, (or something along these lines) please don't allow that prideful spirit to rise up and shut her out. See, God places people in our lives at the right time for a reason.. maybe her burden for you is more of a blessing in waiting in her life than yours. Why begrudge her what she deserves... I am not saying you have to confide your worries in her, but you can very gently say, Thank you, for letting God use you to come and pray with me..... Let God in!

Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 5 For each one shall bear his own load. Galations 6:1-10

Maybe you are the sister standing in the alter, or it is alter time.... why stop in the "safety zone"? Why not go all the way to the front, why not throw caution to the wind, throw your hands in the air, and praise him with all you've got? Who cares what people think? What if they think "Wow, she's gonna get something from God"! What if it encourages them to do the same? What if they haven't done it because they watch you, and you haven't done it? WHAT IF YOU START A REVIVAL IN YOUR ALTER?????

Ladies... It's too late in the game, to be perfect.... It's time to get real with God. We all need God all the time. We all have flaws, just because we fall on our face before God, does not make us on the path to hell, It makes us courageous women, who are willing to say "I have a purpose, my purpose is to praise God, at all times"

Be Blessed, Be Triumphant