Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36"

Today I witnessed an event of nature so closely paralleled to sin, I thought I had to write about it.....

While I was coming up my side walk, I enjoyed and  appreciated the beauty God had created, especially thankful for my perfectly manicured lawn  and gardens. Spring is simply beautiful in the High Desert.

I notice however, a poor, little caterpillar had gotten himself caught in a spider's web...I watched him wiggle around for a couple seconds before I realized, he is stuck and no way could he be set free on his own...

I grappled with the whole "circle of life" thing for a moment and thought..."now that is just down right mean"..I picked up a stick, and tried to help him out..Almost as soon as I touched that web, I notice the unmistakable legs of a Black Widow Spider creep out of the shrub that supported the web..You should have seen her grace and agility as she moved instinctively to protect her prey...

Of course, I decided..I have stuck my nose..or rather, my stick, where it didn't belong... I put the stick aside and watched nature and it's intricacy and was once again in awe at how every little detail of life has a lesson to be learned...

This perfectly marvelous creature that God had created, began spinning around the caterpillar at an incredible speed, spinning more glistening web around her catch...binding him to the web, tighter until he could barely move...

I noticed that the web its self was gently billowing in the breeze, when the sun would catch it, it shimmered just right, you know that real pretty iridescent white was almost hypnotic...It made me wonder if the caterpillar unknowingly walked into the web, or did the beauty and shimmering effect attract him....did he knowingly walk into the web, knowing its danger, but thinking he was strong enough to get out when he was ready to leave?

Isn't this just like Satan? Doesn't he spin such a pretty web for us, billowing and glistening ever so lightly, hypnotizing us with beauty, enticing us with a little danger, only to leave us bound and unable to move or free ourselves when we realize that we are stuck?
The spider didn't kill the caterpillar, she just trapped it, making it miserable, left it struggling to be free....Struggling for life....
That is just what Satan does to his victims. He lures them with pretty things, enticing words, and then binds them until he can claim them as his, but he, like the spider doesn't want to kill his prey right away...he just wants to hold them captive...Struggling for life...

I couldn't save that little fuzzy caterpillar, nature is nature, but, if you find yourself bound in a web of sin, there is hope for you. YOU do not have to be bound, struggling for life..YOU can be set free, by our Savior.

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36"